Beard Oil Isn't Just for Beards | Northridge Oak

Using Beard Oil as Shaving Oil 

By Silas Murders


Shaving Oil vs. Shaving Cream 

There are many different paths that lead a man to rock a great beard, and just as many reasons to keep a clean shavin’ look dependent on your style. Regardless of how you get there, every man reaches a time when they decide to take a break from the beard.

We’re going back to the basics to discuss shaving oil versus shaving cream-- it’s time to shed some light on the proper way to take care of your money maker. Which do you grab when it’s time for the beard to go, the shaving cream or shaving oil? Seriously, what gives.

The Shave

It’s fair to say that men share one common goal when it comes to shaving—to avoid razor burn, skip the bumps, and take a hard pass on the ingrown hairs. You get it, right? It’s uncomfortable and we’re not interested. Here’s the good part, it’s completely avoidable if you properly moisturize your skin and beard before shaving. You’re probably thinking, “Yeah dude, we get it. Tell us something new”. We’ll say it loud enough for those in the back to hear! Your traditional shaving creams are adding to your skin irritation instead of helping.  It’s common to feel as though your typical, store bought shaving cream is providing your beardly self with loads of moisture because of the white cloud that’s lathered on your face, but you’re really being gifted with a heavy dose of fragrances and chemicals like alcohol that are clogging your pores and irritating the surface of your skin. The residue of shaving cream is also clogging your razor, but that’s neither here nor there.

If shaving cream isn’t the ultimate solution, what is? It’s shaving oil, and it can be used by itself or as a pre-moisturizer. You heard it right. You don’t have to say goodbye to your beloved shaving cream just yet, but you’ll get a better shave and have healthier skin by pairing it with an oil first. Hang in there, we’re going to explain this madness.

The Madness

Shaving oil moisturizes your skin and beard to prep you for a nice, clean shave. In fact, it works on your beard just like oils/ essential oils work on any other part of your skin by lubricating it instantly. You don’t need to fight with a soapy lather to shave. When you place a few drops of oil on your beard and face it becomes softer and easier to manage— and it does the job well. No more guess work with those stubborn beard hairs either, because shaving oil is transparent.


Have sensitive skin? Shave oils continue their work after the shave is done, because of the healing properties that are found in oils and essential oils. Shave oils are made with all natural and plant-based ingredients, so you’re sure to skip the harsh reactions to chemicals and chronic dry skin. Speaking of essential oils, if you like to have a little scent with your shave, don’t worry because you still can. We dare say it’s the best of both worlds because your body and skin will benefit from the properties of essential oils while simultaneously gracing those around you with a fresh, woodsy scent (or whichever aroma floats your boat).

Not ready to ditch the shaving cream? That’s okay too. Try using shaving oil as a pre-moisturizer. Your skin will thank you, and we’ll make a believer out of you. Simply apply shaving oil before your shaving cream to reap the benefits.


Try it out yourself

Place a warm, wet towel on your face for a few minutes. This feels great for one, but it also begins to soften your beard and opens your pores. Remove the towel and place 3-6 drops of shaving oil into your palm. Apply the oil to the areas of your face that you plan to shave. Splash a bit of warm water on your face if you feel up to it! It’s time to pull out the razor—go with the grain of course.

Enjoy your fresh shave knowing that your skin is taken care of. Until next time rinse, repeat. 

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